C/C++ Full Mastery Course

C is a procedural language that provides no support for objects and classes. C++ is a combination of OOP and procedural programming languages. C has 32 keywords and C++ has 63 keywords. C supports built-in data types, while C++ supports both built-in and user-defined data types.

What you'll learn
  • Create programs using C/C++
  • Understand any standard program written in C and C++
  • Get Strong strong Object Oriented knowledge in C++
  • Write C++ Programming according to the requirements

There aren't any prerequisites to learning C++, but it helps to have a solid understanding of programming fundamentals (which you can learn in our Code Foundations skill path). C++'s syntax may be harder to grasp if you don't have any coding experience. Higher-level languages (which have a more readable syntax) like Python or JavaScript can be easier for beginners to pick up on and offer knowledge of functions and concepts transferrable to C++.

Course Description

C and C++ Programming are must to learn for every one who are interested in programming and want to start their career in software industry. It is the basic foundation of any programming languages. All the programming languages like java, c# or any object oriented programming language are all inherited from c and c++.

In this course you will learn all the basic fundamentals of c and c++ from scratch then proceed to advanced topics.

In this course each and every topic is explained with example programs to understand the concepts better, there are many practical examples in this course, You will Learn the course by practicing the code as you go along with the course.

Once you finish the course you will be able to

  1. Write your own code in c
  2. Write your own code in c++
  3. Understand Object Oriented concepts in c++
  4. Will be able to understand any standard code written in c and c++ and able to modify them according to the requirement
Who This Course Is For:
  • Who Want to enter the software industry
  • Who wants to Learn both C and C++ Languages
  • Write C++ Programming according to the requirements
Course Content

Level Beginner • 103 Lectures • 00 Minutes

What is program & programming?

Why do we need programming?


Memory types

How does a program run on a computer?

History Of Programming


What is C?

Why Should We Learn C?

Use of C language

High Level Language

Low Level Language

What are programming paradigms?


Syntax Of C

C keywords


Variables and literals

Data types

Basic I/O



Theory assignment to improve knowledge


‘for’ Loop

‘do...while’ Loop

‘while’ Loop

‘break’ Statement

‘continue’ Statement

‘switch’ Statement

Function types

Return reference

Practical assignment-1(Basic)


Multidimensional Arrays


Multiline String

Programming pointers

Address Operator

Pointer Arthematic

Pointers & Arrays

Pointers and Functions




Struct Examples

What is ‘String’ in programming?

String Functions

Practical Assignment-2

Heap Memory




sizeof() operator

Exam [Test]


Characteristics of OOPS

Features of OOP

C++ Data types

C++Basic I/O




for Loop

do...while Loop

While Loop

break Statement

continue Statement

switch Statement

Function Types

Function Overloading

Default Argument


Return Reference

Pointers and Arrays

Pointers and Functions

Memory Management


Multidimensional Arrays

Function and Array


Practical Assignment-3

Structure and Function

Pointers to Structure



Dynamic Memory Allocation with new[] and delete[]

malloc() and free()

Placement new

heap Memory

Stack Memory

Classes and Objects





Method Overloading

Method Overriding

Virtual Functions

Constructors and Destructors

Operator Overloading

Inheritance Types (Single, Multiple, Multilevel, Hierarchical, Hybrid)

Exception Handling

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