JavaScript: The Complete Developer's Guide

Learn modern advanced JavaScript and Master JavaScript with challenges, theory, and projects.

What you'll learn
  • Learn how to apply each feature of ES6 in practical situations
  • Asynchronous JavaScript + Event Loop
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Scope and Execution Context
  • Advanced JavaScript Practices
  • JavaScript Modules
  • Garbage Collection
  • Error Handling
  • `this` keyword

Before learning JavaScript, you must know how to code with Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

Course Description

The course focuses on the fundamental concepts of the JavaScript language. It is one of the most powerful and flexible programming languages on the web. Generally, we do not like websites or application interfaces that look dull. They should be dynamic and user-friendly. Therefore, JavaScript does it all, from the development of a web site to its modification in later stages. Online platforms and top universities offer the courses in JavaScript. Look at the eligibility criteria, syllabus, top colleges, placement, scope, etc.

Who This Course Is For:
  • Developers who want to be considered in the top 10% of JavaScript programmers
  • Bootcamp or online tutorial graduates that want to go beyond the basics
  • Junior JavaScript Developers
  • Programmers who don't want to waste time on basics and want to dive deep
Course Content

Level Beginner • 55 Lectures • 00 Minutes

What is Programming?

What is Software Engineering?

Software Life Cycle?

JavaScript Introduction

What is DOM?

Variables And Syntax

HTML Manipulation using JS

Working With Ajax Using Javascript Classes Objects

JS Functions and Types Of Functions

JS Array Functions

JS String Functions

JS Math Functions

JS Date Functions

"This" KeyWord In JavaScript

What is HTML>

Introduction TO HTML

HTML Tags And Attributes

HTML Anchor tags

HTML listing

HTML Table

HTLM Form GET & POST Method

HTML div and Span tags

Custom Attributes

Getting Started in React JS/JSX Components

Components Composition

Event Handlers State

Props/Prop Types

React JS App

Creating The First App

Understanding The App

Styling The App

Inspecting Debugging Styles

Build-in Components

Working With Image

List View

Text Input

Creating view (Scenes)

Storing Data-Realm For React JS

Integrating With Map APIs

Creative React JS Component Routing

Employee Directory App

Integrating Data using API

Wiring up Redux

Asynchronous Network Requests

Dynamic Properties

Dynamic Styles

React Navigation Library

Redux Basics

Redux Principles

Implementing Redux

React JS-Redux Middleware

Counter App Demo




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