Top Laravel Course In Surat

Laravel is an open-source PHP framework, which is robust and easy to understand. It follows a model-view-controller design pattern. Laravel reuses the existing components of different frameworks which helps in creating a web application. The web application thus designed is more structured and pragmatic.

What you'll learn
  • Learn all the theory while building a real application as you progress!
  • Routes and Controllers
  • Blade templates
  • Creating Forms, CSRF tokens
  • Files and file uploads
  • Observers, Events, Listeners and Subscribers
  • Advanced features like Queues, Polymorphic relationships, Service Container
  • Database migrations
  • Authentication (Guard) & Authorization
  • How to use queues
  • Laravel Tinker - command line playground to Laravel

C, C++ Programming 


Basic Designing with Bootstrap

Basic PHP and Object Oriented Programming understanding

Course Description

This Laravel course explains how to use Laravel php framework to create web applications. This course covers a range of topics such as Object Oriented Programming (OOP), UML, Design Patterns, Security in PHP, SOAP, htaccess, PHP Frameworks, PHP Best Practices and lots more.

Who This Course Is For:
  • This course is meant for students already familiar with the basics of HTML, PHP and have basic understanding of OOP
  • PHP Developers who want to take their skill to the next level
  • Anyone who want to learn Laravel in efficient way
Course Content

Level Beginner • 77 Lectures • 00 Minutes

Introduction to framework



Server Requirements

Installation of Laravel

Dependency Management

Editor Setup

Artisan CLI (Command Line Interface)

Create New Project

Directory Structure

Life Cycle

Environment Configuration

Maintenance Mode

What is Routing

Basic Routing

Routing Parameter

Advanced Routing

Naming Route

Resource Route

Route Grouping

Parameter Constraints

Route Prefixing

Basic Controllers

Controller Middleware

Restful Resource Controllers

Controller Routing

Controller code Refactoring Techniques

Retrieving Input

CSRF Protection

Get, Post, Put, Delete Methods


Request Validation

Manage Error Messages

Understanding Views

Passing data to views

Sharing Data with all Views

Blade Template

Template inheritance

Master layout

Extending the Master Layout

Displaying variables

Blade conditional statements

Blade Loops

Executing PHP functions in a blade

Displaying Your Views

Loading a View into another view/nested view

Adding assets

Integrating with Bootstrap

Redirecting to Named Routes

Redirecting to Controller Actions

Redirecting With Flash Massages

Accessing Data

Storing Data

Deleting Data

Session Helper vs Session facades

How to Debug

Log Error

Error Handling

File Uploading

File Storage

Sending email

Localization (Multi-Language)


Event handling






Schema Build



Seeders & Faker

Auth Setup

Email verification

Password Reset

Customize Authentication

Request a call back